The Notes 2, the Future Planet, the Resistance

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Myths of the near Future (J.G Ballard)


Depeche Mode album Spirit on iTunes


Zara Larsson album So Good on iTunes


Rihanna Love on the Brain on iTunes



Katy Perry album Witness on iTunes



Lily Allen's new single Trigger Bang on iTunes





Swedish election 2018


Regeringens budget prop 2018:







En väljarbarometer från 15 juni ger Rödgröna 40 % och Alliansen 36,3 % om 4 % spärren räknas, ungefär samma som en tidigare opinionsmätning från 5 juni men det kan förändras innan valet







Förslag från (MP) 2017 att rädda haven




(MP) satsar på klimatvänliga tåg 









March for our lives



I’m not going to allow more tragedies to happen, I don't want you to blame me I want the US Congress to take responsibility, or I take severe measures




















(S) vill ha sjukvård för alla






Lily Allen, No Shame



First they landed on the moon, then nothing happened until Lily Allen and Rihanna released music




Stop all racism


Förhindra all rasism





Aliansen riskerar att höja hyrorna för hyresrätter med 50% i storstäderna och 30 % utanför storstäderna



Rödgröna har istället sedan 2014 byggt 15 000 billiga hyresrätter i hela landet, en nybyggd trea, hyresrätt har kunnat sänka hyran med 30%



(S) vallöfte: Obligatoriska pensionärsråd i alla kommuner


Äldre ska få tycka till om beslut som rör dem – genom obligatoriska kommunala pensionärsråd. Det är ett nytt vallöfte från Socialdemokraterna


Dessutom vill man ge pensionärernas organisationer mer pengar







Alliansens egna politik är så dålig att de istället kopierar andras politik 



Förbjudet att kopiera blogg/twitter, överträdelse beivras






Jag är med i akademikerna



I'm member of the union, work, the academics



Bachelor of Arts, English, History, graduated at a top 10 university in Sweden, I don't brag about it



(S) har handlingsplan för trygg arbetsmarknad 





The Future Planet



The Resistance







Lily and Eliza are friendly people, I just write like that to make it more intresting





Men of unknown origin have decided to invade the future planet of women, the men arrive with armed space ships and high tech, advanced weapons. The women on the planet mobilize with draft calls targeting all teenage girls. The women call themselves the platinum women. Daniel has been captured in a late night raid by Lily and Rihanna, they move him with force into a tent and lay him on an air lifted stretcher, Rihanna can conclude he is rather injured.



Eliza is inspecting the girls, she notices how one of the girls is trying to hide something.


Eliza moves closer to her.


-What is that, says Eliza.



-Nothing, says the girl.



Eliza takes her arm in a firm grip and she understands the girl is having a bottle in her hand.



-Where did you get this bottle of wine from, says Eliza.



-She gave it to me, says the girl.



-Who?, says Eliza.



-Jennifer, says the girl, I promise I’m telling the truth, I never lie.



-Jennifer did you give her this bottle of wine, says Eliza.



-Certainly not, says Jennifer, I have a few bottles for emergency in my bag pack in the tent.



After the women have examined the bag pack, Jennifer says one bottle is missing.



Eliza moves out of the tent and towards the girl.



-You took a bottle of wine, says Eliza.



The girl doesn’t say anything.



-Your punishment is 25 push ups, says Eliza for all of you.



-That sort of punishments are forbidden, says another girl, why should we all be punished? I have read the regiment rule book.



-Have you sweetheart, says Eliza. I tell you what, because you know the rule book, I promote you to sergeant.



Eliza then moves towards the girl with the bottle.



-If you want to make corporal you stay off the booze, says Eliza, do you understand?



-Yes, says the girl.







Jag tänker inte ändra i texten, Rödgröna ställer krav på ett starkare samhälle, tex alla som kan ska jobba, det har Rödgröna sagt länge redan i ett uttalande från oktober 2016








Daniel is starting to hallucinate in the tent, Rihanna gives him tablets to ease the pain, he tries to get up but falls back on the stretcher again.



Eliza, Scarlett and Lily arrive in the tent.



-Stand up, says Eliza to Daniel.



Daniel manages to sit up and then Lily punches him in the face.




-No, I know him says Rihanna, he is injured.




-Can you prove you know him, says Scarlett,



-I have his cell phone number, says Rihanna.



-Eliza moves closer to Daniel.



-How do we defeat the men, says Eliza.




-You can’t, says Daniel, they are the perfect organism, you can’t defeat them.



Eliza hits Daniel in the face.



-You are going out to the girls and tell them how we defeat the men, says Eliza.



The teen girl army about 250 of them in this unit are all lined up in 10 lines when the platinum women and Daniel arrives at the podium, Daniel is walking with the help of Rihanna who is holding him.



Daniel takes the microphone and says.



-When I was young, or younger, says Daniel I admired myself for unknown reason, I thought I was superior to others, or I wanted to be superior, then I grew up and I’m not like that anymore. Today I know I’m worse than other people, and I can move on. When you understand that you are worse than other people, you can finally move on. I had a math teacher the third year in high school who said to me, you are a solid student Daniel, and now I’m telling you, you are solid.








Zara, Lindsay, Marina, Katy and Scarlett the girl return from outlook trip in a vehicle, they all have military clothes on.



-We want to give you information about the state of the invasion, says Katy. The men of unknown origin have landed their first transport on the planet, a group of 100 men.


-We should deploy a unit 200 kilometres from here, says Eliza.


-We have to get into the vehicles at once, says Zara.


Lindsay and Marina tell a group of girls to arm up, even Scarlett the girl is in the first group.


The women and the girls are getting their weapons and combat suit on.



Eliza tells the girls before they enter the vehicles.



-I expect all of you to do your duty, says Eliza, no one gives up or you wish you meet the enemy empty handed rather than me.







Rihanna and Daniel are in the first vehicle with Katy and Zara and 12 girls.


Katy tells Daniel:



-Don’t talk to the girls, says Katy, you make them upset.





-Men are worthless, says Daniel, they rob, steal, harass, swindle, lie, they think they are better than others for no reason, they talk about themselves, they watch women, that’s why the news papers only have pictures of women, they never have photos of men, because people don’t want to watch men, they want to watch women, the last time they had a picture of a man in the news paper was the summer of 1898 and they only sold two copies, people want to read about women, not about men, all the worst list are men, worst people in the history of humanity, worst dressed, worst student, worst car driver, worst haircut, worst narcissist and so on are all men.



-I mean, when people see a picture of a man, people think, he is going to rob me. That’s why only women take selfies, because if a man takes a selfie everyone assumes he is going to steal from you.



Daniel end his tired in dramatic fashion with, all I can say is that when people see a picture of a man in the paper the readers are sure he is going to rob them. When women are in the paper its because they did something people appreciated, when men are in the paper its because they robbed someone.





-Yes, I think you know yourself better and better, don’t you, says Katy








5 cars with girls are closing in on the location where the men transport has landed. They park the vehicles 2 kilometres from the area. All the girls and the platinum women get out, the girls 55 of them line up in the sunshine.



-When you meet the enemy, there is only one thing to do, says Eliza, you destroy them or they destroy you, this is also the only time your makeup skills is to your benefit, warpaint.



Eliza is gazing around the area.



-Where is Scarlett the girl, says Eliza.



Lily who has contact with computer says:



-The computer says she went away on her own towards the enemy, says Lily.



Jennifer then says she found a piece of paper written by Scarlett the girl.




-Scarlett the girl says she can remove the enemy before they reach us, says Jennifer. Don’t worry about me I have secret talent that you don’t know about, I return in the evening with information.



Jennifer moves closer to the other Scarlett.



-What secret talent do you have, says Jennifer.




-I’m not sure, says Scarlett, Daniel thinks I’m telepathic, he sends me annoying telepathic messages all the time, I told him not to.



-What messages does Daniel send you, says Jennifer.




-It could be like, is there any signs of an earthquake  in the near future do you think, says Scarlett







To be continued




Daniel feels better after taking the recipe free medical tablets









Platinum 1 M copies

Gold 500 000 copies





Platinum 300 000 copies

Gold 100 000 copies

Silver 60 000 copies











From the album Blue Lines UK 2 X Platinum



 From the album No Shame No 8 on UK chart, the album and tickets 


We are all friends in the blog




B- side to single DJ Culture



Star Wars, Solo, $353 M worldwide, 43 % abroad


Ocean's 8,  $171 M worldwide, 41 % abroad



UK Government



Barn och ungdomspsykiatri, Swedish Health Care



Swedish Government, USA Government, the President








Afghan Election July 7 and October 20, Parliament should include all Afghan people,_2018








Women have flocked to Le Mall in Jeddah to check out the kingdom’s first car exhibition aimed at women, a few months after Saudi Arabia granted them the right to drive.


In a decree issued in September, King Salman ordered an end to the ban on women drivers by June. The ban has limited women’s mobility and was been seen by rights activists as an emblem of their suppression.


Saudi Arabia was the only country that bans women drivers. The landmark royal decree has been hailed as proof of a new progressive trend in the deeply conservative Muslim kingdom.


The Guardian









Det som kan konstateras är att varje gång borgerliga partier har haft makten så har det slutat med ekonomisk kris och stora budgetunderskott, det beror på att staten får in mindre pengar när alliansen styr, borgerliga partier sänker skatten på inkomst men det spelar ingen roll för mig eftersom jag istället får restskatt så jag tjänar i alla fall inget på sänkt skatt, tvärtom.


När rödgröna styr finns det i alla fall resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård, skola, pensioner och inte minst försvaret, det finns inga sådan pengar till reformer när borgerliga/alliansen styr, det finns belägg för det.


När borgerliga styrde 1976 till 1982 blev det kaos och splittring bland de borgerliga och tumult i regeringen och när de borgerliga styrde på 1990 talet med främlingsfientliga populister så slutade det i den värsta ekonomiska krisen på decennier och med hög arbetslöshet. När alliansen styrde 2006 till 2014 så blev det hög arbetslöshet igen över 8 % och ett budget underskott på minst 60 miljarder kronor


Vilket vill ni ha, låg arbetslöshet och resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård och skola, eller vill ni ha borgerligt budget underskott med hög arbetslöshet




Diskussionen om migrationen har överdrivits i Sverige på senare år, vissa partier har skrämt befolkningen i Sverige med osanna hemska historier om migrationen, detta är fake news. Det bästa jobb jag har haft var i ett invandrartätt område, det sämmsta jag varit med om var universitetet med enbart svenskar, jag säger det att det fanns inte en enda normal person på campus, samtliga var lika tokiga.


Länder med migration är samtidigt världsledande på alla områden, länder med noll migration är länder som är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, det här finns dokumenterat och kan bevisas. Som exempel, länder som Sverige, USA har migration och är världsledande, USA är den enda supermakten med arbestlöshet på 3,9 %, Sverige har migration och är världsledande.


Före detta östatsländer med noll migration är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, även de som är med i EU





Arbetslösheten sjunker i hela landet för både inrikes och utrikes födda, och allt fler nyanlända börjar jobba eller studera.

– Det är en stark arbetsmarknad och arbetslösheten sjunker stadigt, både bland inrikes och utrikes födda. Och det går allt bättre för de nyanlända, säger Annika Sundén, analyschef på Arbetsförmedlingen.
Nya siffror från Arbetsförmedlingen visar att antalet arbetslösa har minskat med 14 000 personer jämfört med i fjol.

Arbetslösheten minskar i alla län, och mest minskar antalet arbetslösa i Gävleborgs län, men där är arbetslösheten fortfarande högst i landet.

Bland utrikes födda, och särskilt bland nyanlända, är allt färre arbetslösa.

Hittills i år har 4 700 nyanlända personer börjat jobba eller studera, förra året låg samma siffra på 2 400 personer. 

Annika Sundén menar att de subventionerade jobben, som delvis betalas av staten, har visat sig vara viktiga vägar in på arbetsmarknaden.

– En viktig förklaring till det är att många har fått ett subventionerat jobb, ett nystartsjobb eller en extratjänst. Just de subventionerade anställningarna är en viktig väg in. Och vi ser att extratjänsterna i offentlig sektor har varit väldigt lyckosamma.










Skaffa bevis så att förövaren kan fällas i domstol, det måste vara syftet med alltihop



Undvik att bli anklagad för förtal



I support #MeToo, after all I think the blog started it


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