The Notes 2, The Expedition, the Future Planet


Jennifer Rihanna Scarlett

Lindsay LilyEliza



Marina Zara Katy





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Myths of the near Future (J.G Ballard)


Depeche Mode album Spirit on iTunes


Zara Larsson album So Good on iTunes


Rihanna Love on the Brain on iTunes



Katy Perry album Witness on iTunes



Lily Allen's new single Trigger Bang on iTunes





Swedish election 2018


Regeringens budget prop 2018:






Det som kan konstateras är att varje gång borgerliga partier har haft makten så har det slutat med ekonomisk kris och stora budgetunderskott, det beror på att staten får in mindre pengar när alliansen styr, borgerliga partier sänker skatten på inkomst men det spelar ingen roll för mig eftersom jag istället får restskatt så jag tjänar i alla fall inget på sänkt skatt, tvärtom.


När rödgröna styr finns det i alla fall resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård, skola, pensioner och inte minst försvaret, det finns inga sådan pengar till reformer när borgerliga/alliansen styr, det finns belägg för det.


När borgerliga styrde 1976 till 1982 blev det kaos och splittring bland de borgerliga och tumult i regeringen och när de borgerliga styrde på 1990 talet med främlingsfientliga populister så slutade det i den värsta ekonomiska krisen på decennier och med hög arbetslöshet. När alliansen styrde 2006 till 2014 så blev det hög arbetslöshet igen över 8 % och ett budget underskott på minst 60 miljarder kronor


Vilket vill ni ha, låg arbetslöshet och resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård och skola, eller vill ni ha borgerligt budget underskott med hög arbetslöshet




Diskussionen om migrationen har överdrivits i Sverige på senare år, vissa partier har skrämt befolkningen i Sverige med osanna hemska historier om migrationen, detta är fake news. Det bästa jobb jag har haft var i ett invandrartätt område, det sämmsta jag varit med om var universitetet med enbart svenskar, jag säger det att det fanns inte en enda normal person på campus, samtliga var lika tokiga.


Länder med migration är samtidigt världsledande på alla områden, länder med noll migration är länder som är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, det här finns dokumenterat och kan bevisas. Som exempel, länder som Sverige, USA har migration och är världsledande, USA är den enda supermakten med arbestlöshet på 3,9 %, Sverige har migration och är världsledande.


Före detta östatsländer med noll migration är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, även de som är med i EU





Jag blir utsatt för hot och trakasserier från media i Sverige #MeToo



Det är en viss skillnad på medias fula tryne och Jennifer Lawrence, det går inte att jämföra






(S) höjer pensionen



Migranter på EU nivå






NRA is funding the US Congress, it's just awful



March for our lives












Skaffa bevis så att förövaren kan fällas i domstol, det måste vara syftet med alltihop
Undvik att bli anklagad för förtal
I support #MeToo, after all I think the blog started it






The crew is in the car on the moon and they have contact with Daniel who has entered the time zone. He is in a room where a vegetarian meal is on the table, the meal is a vegetarian paella without the garlic, with rice, saffron, paprika, onion, eggplant, oyster mushrooms, ostronskivling which lower the cholesterol, red pepper and parsley. The drink is a light soft drink tropical fruits. After the dinner Daniel moves into the library in the time zone.



-You have a paella dinner, says Eliza we have cheese and cucumber sandwiches and coffee it’s all good food, can you invite us to the time zone so we in the crew can have supper?



-Yes, I have a message here in the time zone on a piece of paper on the bookshelf, says Daniel, it says when you enter the time zone you have to read from the book the Future Planet, the episode Innocent and after that you and the crew can have supper.



-Well, read it then so we can have supper, says Eliza, some of us are hungry.



-So you are not hungry? says Daniel.



-Yes I’m also hungry, says Eliza a bit angry, read it now.










The episode Innocent



Daniel arrives on a planet and lands in a city which is familiar but something has changed. The streets are empty with no cars, the buildings are polished and there are only boutiques for makeup, women clothes and perfume, there are several stores selling women shoes and one liquor store selling only white wine. Daniel is standing outside the liquor store when a woman rushes out from the store and pushes him to the ground, he can hear the woman say: What are you doing here? Then she runs away.



After a few minutes three women arrives and says: If you follow us we will not have any problems with you.


Daniel follows the women and they enter a large building with a sign saying, court.

In the court judge Katy tells Daniel that he has illegally landed on a planet with only women, men are not allowed on this planet. The jury consists of Scarlett, Marina, Lily, Scarlett the girl and Zara. There are twoprosecutors, Lindsay and Eliza. The plaintiff is Jennifer. The accused is Daniel and his expert witness Rihanna.



-How do you plead, says Katy to the accused



-Not guilty, says Daniel, I was robbed outside the only liquor store in the country, know any suspect do you think?



-Let me tell you something, says Judge Katy, you should not arrive to our city and accuse us of anything, is that clear? Now I give the floor to the prosecutors.



-Yes, look at this woman, says Lindsay in front of the jury and shows with her hand where the plaintiff Jennifer is standing, she is clearly innocent. Look at her face and you know that she is innocent, her clothes is by the brand innocent, her make up is innocent and her perfume is called innocent.


Lindsay them moves closer to the accused Daniel and point at him in a dramatic fashion. When you see this man you know he is guilty, says Lindsay, his clothes and shoes are torn and his lack of haircut alone adds ten years to his sentence.


-The victim Jennifer was walking in the crime free area in the non violent city, says Eliza when she was brutally interrupted by this man who not only is illegally in our country, we also suspect that he is an alien.



The prosecutors then show a surveillance video from the liquor store where a woman buy a bottle of alcohol free wine, then she leaves the store and a man is pushing her to the ground and steal her credit card.


-These evidence show clearly how this man rob this innocent woman of her credit card, says Lindsay, we also know that $5000, £3500, 4000 euros, is missing from her bank account. We also have a witness, the store clerk in the liquor store can testify that this innocent woman bought a bottle of alcohol free wine, she also has a recipe of the buy.



-This is forgery, says Daniel you forge a video to trap me, I was robbed by a woman.



-Can you identify this woman at all, says Eliza.



-No she hit me and took my cell phone so fast, says Daniel, like she had done it before.



Eliza moves closer to the accused.



-Do you mean this woman is a repeat offender, says Eliza.


-Yes that was my impression, says Daniel.


-Not only are you here on this planet illegally, says Lindsay, you accuse an innocent women of crime. That will give you another 10 years.








Rihanna then takes the stand.



-I know this man, says Rihanna, he is not perfect, but I can assure you he is rather nice and friendly person, he makes mistakes like we all do.



Lindsay moves closer to the witness.


-Are you and the accused married, says Lindsay.



-No, we have known each other for several years we have some contact, says Rihanna.



-Why would you, Rihanna, have any contact with him, says Lindsay.



-I think he is a friendly person, says Rihanna, he makes mistakes but I like him, Rihanna starts to cry.



-No tears will help you know, says Eliza to Daniel









Daniel then addresses the judge,  Katy.



-Can I say something, says Daniel.



-Yes, you are allowed a few words, says Judge Katy.



-You made Rihanna cry, says Daniel.



-No, you made her cry, says Katy, you alone landed on this planet without permission.




-You have created a society with no crime, no cars, no violence, no sport, everything is shiny and well polished, says Daniel but let me tell you it is the same tyranny.




-Yes but that was what you wanted, says Judge Katy you wanted women to be like men, here it is, the world you created.




To be continued







Platinum 1m copies

Gold 500 000 copies





Platinum 300 000 copies

Gold 100 000 copies

Silver 60 000 copies






From the album Mezzanine UK 2 X Platinum





From the album the Ultimate Collection No 1 on Billboard 100




From the album Tango in the Night US 3 X Platinum, UK 8 X Platinum



From the album Actually UK 3 X Platinum, US Gold




From the album It's not Me, it's You UK 3 X Platinum, Worldwide 2 M copies






UK Government



Barn och ungdomspsykiatri, Swedish Health Care



Swedish Government, USA Government, the President








Afghan Election July 7 and October 20, Parliament should include all Afghan people,_2018





I write a few words later about the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde person I met, you know I don't want to scare you, I myself was more astonished than scared of what apparently happened to him



This person was the branch head, enhetschef, at a large company and he has a university degree  and I remember he was carrying a big bag and I expected that he should take out a large kitchen knife and stab us, know what I mean?


I was thinking when I saw him, is this the face of evil?


I didn't know what to think when I met him, is this Spencer Tracy in Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde or should I be Max von Sydow?







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