The Notes 3, The Future Planet 2


Jennifer Rihanna Scarlett

Lindsay LilyEliza



Marina Zara Katy





My Twitter




Myths of the near Future (J.G Ballard)


Depeche Mode album Spirit on iTunes


Zara Larsson album So Good on iTunes


Rihanna Love on the Brain on iTunes



Katy Perry album Witness on iTunes



Lily Allen's new single Trigger Bang on iTunes





Swedish election 2018


Regeringens budget prop 2018:






Det som kan konstateras är att varje gång borgerliga partier har haft makten så har det slutat med ekonomisk kris och stora budgetunderskott, det beror på att staten får in mindre pengar när alliansen styr, borgerliga partier sänker skatten på inkomst men det spelar ingen roll för mig eftersom jag istället får restskatt så jag tjänar i alla fall inget på sänkt skatt, tvärtom.


När rödgröna styr finns det i alla fall resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård, skola, pensioner och inte minst försvaret, det finns inga sådan pengar till reformer när borgerliga/alliansen styr, det finns belägg för det.


När borgerliga styrde 1976 till 1982 blev det kaos och splittring bland de borgerliga och tumult i regeringen och när de borgerliga styrde på 1990 talet med främlingsfientliga populister så slutade det i den värsta ekonomiska krisen på decennier och med hög arbetslöshet. När alliansen styrde 2006 till 2014 så blev det hög arbetslöshet igen över 8 % och ett budget underskott på minst 60 miljarder kronor


Vilket vill ni ha, låg arbetslöshet och resurser till reformer och pengar till sjukvård och skola, eller vill ni ha borgerligt budget underskott med hög arbetslöshet




Diskussionen om migrationen har överdrivits i Sverige på senare år, vissa partier har skrämt befolkningen i Sverige med osanna hemska historier om migrationen, detta är fake news. Det bästa jobb jag har haft var i ett invandrartätt område, det sämmsta jag varit med om var universitetet med enbart svenskar, jag säger det att det fanns inte en enda normal person på campus, samtliga var lika tokiga.


Länder med migration är samtidigt världsledande på alla områden, länder med noll migration är länder som är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, det här finns dokumenterat och kan bevisas. Som exempel, länder som Sverige, USA har migration och är världsledande, USA är den enda supermakten med arbestlöshet på 3,9 %, Sverige har migration och är världsledande.


Före detta östatsländer med noll migration är konkursfärdiga sedan länge, även de som är med i EU






(S) höjer pensionen




Migranter på EU nivå



(S) Satsar på äldre








Arbetslösheten sjunker i hela landet för både inrikes och utrikes födda, och allt fler nyanlända börjar jobba eller studera.

– Det är en stark arbetsmarknad och arbetslösheten sjunker stadigt, både bland inrikes och utrikes födda. Och det går allt bättre för de nyanlända, säger Annika Sundén, analyschef på Arbetsförmedlingen.
Nya siffror från Arbetsförmedlingen visar att antalet arbetslösa har minskat med 14 000 personer jämfört med i fjol.

Arbetslösheten minskar i alla län, och mest minskar antalet arbetslösa i Gävleborgs län, men där är arbetslösheten fortfarande högst i landet.

Bland utrikes födda, och särskilt bland nyanlända, är allt färre arbetslösa.

Hittills i år har 4 700 nyanlända personer börjat jobba eller studera, förra året låg samma siffra på 2 400 personer. 

Annika Sundén menar att de subventionerade jobben, som delvis betalas av staten, har visat sig vara viktiga vägar in på arbetsmarknaden.

– En viktig förklaring till det är att många har fått ett subventionerat jobb, ett nystartsjobb eller en extratjänst. Just de subventionerade anställningarna är en viktig väg in. Och vi ser att extratjänsterna i offentlig sektor har varit väldigt lyckosamma.












March for our lives



I’m not going to allow more tragedies to happen, I don't want you to blame me I want the US Congress to take responsibility, or I take severe measures






















Skaffa bevis så att förövaren kan fällas i domstol, det måste vara syftet med alltihop






Undvik att bli anklagad för förtal








I support #MeToo, after all I think the blog started it







Rihanna is not the witness



Jay - Z and the Dream and others wrote Umbrella



I’m so tired




In the courtroom judge Katy is writing in some papers, the prosecutors Lindsay and Eliza are preparing the final argument and the jury with Lily, Scarlett the girl, Marina, Zara, and Scarlett a bit away from herself. Daniel is talking to his expert witness Rihanna and Jennifer is standing a bit bored away from the accused.


-Does the accused have anything to say in his defence, says Judge Katy.


-Yes, where did you get the screen where you showed us the fake video of me robbing Jennifer, says Daniel.


-Is that important, says Judge Katy.


-I’m having that screen in my defence, says Daniel.


-Anything in addition, says Katy.



-Yes I want my cell phone back, says Daniel, the one the woman stole from me.


Eliza and Lindsay are talking in a very low voice with Jennifer.



-Talk louder so the jury can hear, says Daniel.



-Silence, says Judge Katy, you should not speak until you are allowed to.



-We don’t have the cell phone, says Eliza and the reason is that no one on this planet took it.



Daniel then brings forward the cell phone and the jury and t he prosecutors and the judge watch him holding the phone in his hand.


-So you lied when you said your phone had been stolen, says Lindsay.


-No, I had two cell phones, says Daniel, and with this other phone I took pictures of what happened.


There is a complete silence in the court.


Eliza and Lindsay again talk to Jennifer.



Eliza then moves closer to Daniel.



-Can we see this cell phone, says Eliza.



-Yes, says Daniel.



Eliza and Lindsay scrolls through the pictures in the phone.



-This phone does not contain any clear evidence of who robbed you, says Lindsay.



-Listen to the voice sound I recorded, says Daniel.



Eliza plays the voice sound and it says “What are you doing here?”








The rain starts to fall in the city, it rains ever 15 minutes because that’s what the female regime wants. Flowers grows everywhere in bright colours, the sea is clean and the air is not polluted, the forests over the planet are all intact and in the sea there are Megalodon, giant ancient sharks, and in the sky there are Argentavis, giant ancient birds.



Judge Katy tells the jury and the accused and plaintiff.



-We have here a video showing us how the accused rob a woman, says Katy and then we have pictures and voice sound of a woman robbing this man. I thin we can get to some sort of agreement, what does the prosecutors say?


-We are willing to withdraw the case against the accused if he agrees to withdraw his accusations, says Lindsay. We want him to pay a fee for landing on this planet without permission.



-I don’t agree, says Daniel, I can prove you have tried to trap me. The screen in the court has several fake bullets entries, it reminds me of something. And a woman robbed me.



-Can I say something now, says Jennifer, all men are stupid, they steal, rob, tell jokes that are not funny, the think they are better than others when they not, they swindle, they never say hi how are you?, they harass innocent women, they talk about themselves without listening, they have fake university degrees, the have concealed weapons in their trousers, they say they are ill when they are not, they cheated on tests in school and they exaggerate their own ability.


Jennifer catches her breath and says: Women are nice and friendly.






Judge Katy writes something down on a piece of paper.



-How do you respond to this tirade, says Katy.



-All I can say, says Daniel is that cruel women on this planet lured girls away from outside liquor stores and away from schools and promised them a free holiday in the West Indies. But the real reason was to prepare the girls to take over the planet and the cruel women gave the girls lines like “Destroy or be destroyed.” And then when the girls grow up and become teenagers the cruel women say that they are ready to meet the enemy and erase all men from the surface of the earth, and that’s what you women have told Scarlett the girl and this is the result.








Lindsay and Eliza are talking to Jennifer.



-Jennifer says you should look in your pocket, says Eliza.



Daniel takes up something from his pocket, it is $50.



-Jennifer gave you $50 for your cell phone, says Lindsay so technically she didn’t steal anything.


There is a note as well in the dollar bills, it says “Have a nice day”





Afterwards outside the court.



-You are free again, says Lily, you had an agreement with the judge and prosecutors. And Jennifer is also free, she was technically innocent.



-Yes, says Daniel, Rihanna drives me in her space shuttle to the nearest colony. I also want to thank Sting for Walking on the Moon, I want to thank the Supremes for all eight number ones on billboard hot 100 and I want to thank Stevie Wonder for Higher Ground. I also want to say that I’m glad Lily Allen returns with a new album, I’m so happy. I also hope Rihanna returns with new music, I'm so happy.


-What are you going to do now, says Marina.



-I’m going to the remote colony and then I will read some books, says Daniel.



-How is your illness, says Scarlett.



-I’m better now when I have dialyses at home, says Daniel, I’m tired sometimes, nothing serious.






Daniel enters Rihanna’s space shuttle and they take off, beneath them the can observe the time zone they just left.


-I’m sorry I couldn’t have supper with the crew, says Daniel some other time perhaps.


-What are you going to eat now, says Rihanna.



-Sandwiches and tea, says Daniel











Platinum 1 M copies

Gold 500 000 copies





Platinum 300 000 copies

Gold 100 000 copies

Silver 60 000 copies












From the album 100th Window UK Gold






From the album On Every Street 1991, US Platinum, UK 2 X Platinum




From the album Super Trouper UK Platinum, US Gold, Abba sold 400M albums worldwide altogether, Super Trouper is a spotlight




From the album Electric 2013, circa 300 000 copies sold





Star Wars, Solo, Trailer



UK Government



Barn och ungdomspsykiatri, Swedish Health Care



Swedish Government, USA Government, the President








Afghan Election July 7 and October 20, Parliament should include all Afghan people,_2018





I write a few words later about the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde person I met, you know I don't want to scare you, I myself was more astonished than scared of what apparently happened to him



This person was the branch head, enhetschef, at a large company and he has a university degree  and I remember he was carrying a big bag and I expected that he should take out a large kitchen knife and stab us, know what I mean?


I was thinking when I saw him, is this the face of evil?


I didn't know what to think when I met him, is this Spencer Tracy in Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde or should I be Max von Sydow?


This branch head I was talking about, a white man around 50 then he has a wife and two children, has a University degree and had written several skilled papers and essays in academic level but the man I met could not read or write or talk only odd noises came out of his mouth like an animal, he appeared odd, his arms and legs and back were bent in an unnatural manner, he was walking bent forward and his head appeared to be displaced in some sort of odd manner, he moved his head like a polar bear move its head, his face expression appeared to resemble a polar bear, I’m not joking.


He wanted to talk to me for some unknown reason, I was just an employed person and it was the first week for me at the company and later I understood that this person secretly admired me for some at first unknown reason, I later understood that he had done research about me and I’m still not sure how he got all this information about me but he had gone the extra mile to really find out everything possible about me.


When I talked to him I suddenly realised that I was talking to myself, this branch head had copied my personality, he was like a chameleon and he could apparently copy people’s personality because he himself didn’t have a personality.


He took a risk didn’t he? I could have been a ruthless, intolerant person with no empathy like himself but I understood later that he had done research about me and apparently he found my personality intriguing and he wanted to have my personality so he copied it and became me, so there were two people in the room like me, do you understand what I mean by that?



This branch head probably had a severe personality disorder but after he copied my personality he never transformed to this evil Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde character again and he never again seemed to be possessed by demons. He never transformed physically again, he was “cured”. I know this because he remained in the company for a decade.


In literature you can read that personality disorder can’t be cured, treatment only make them worse, I’m not a doctor or psychologist but let these people copy a nice personality to fill the vacuum in their mind, it could “cure” them or at least make them better.


Doctors and psychologists must have experienced the same thing like I did








The countries with migration are all rich world leading countries, like Sweden, the USA and Britain. The countries with no migration and never had migration are all filing for bankruptcy, for example former east Europe countries with zero migration even the ones who are in the EU. These countries with no migration will remain poor probably forever because you can’t suddenly have migration, who wants to move to a country that is filing for bankruptcy?


The countries with no migration have stagnated for decades or centuries, the wheels have stopped turning in these countries a long time ago and they will probably never start turning again. They are still in the 1800s


These countries have no migration who can keep the economy going.



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