The Notes 3, the Future Planet

 Jennifer Rihanna Scarlett

Lindsay Lily Eliza

Marina Zara Katy













This is my top 10 hit and people want to hear the top 10 hit again and again




Jennifer I have an idea, I call this dating by CV (copyright) when a woman meets an unknown man she asks for his CV with references he could have a job and she can call his employer and ask what sort of person he is and the employer says he is angry and violent and has been in fights recently and then she doesn’t date him or he perhaps has some friends in the CV she could ask them what sort of man he is before she date him




And then she reads in his CV about his education and she tells him in a dry tone “I’m sorry I only date Ivy League or Oxford, Cambridge graduate"




And she continue to read in his CV, what were you up to from June last year to August, and he can’t really answer so she says “I’m sorry I want a man with a complete CV”




She has 30 CVs to read and she is not sure she wants to date any of them, then she asks for 30 more CVs perhaps better luck this time




Why should the employer know more about the man than the woman knows? He should give her his CV with references, if he has a criminal record and his medical record so she knows who he is its not enough that she likes him






























EU val




Rödgröna: 41,7 %




Borgerliga: 40, 4 %








GOP in Alabama is the beast in book of revelation










Hungary the former Soviet union state





























My Twitter





























Myths of the near Future (J.G Ballard)






Apple Music



Depeche Mode on Apple Music, Albums


Zara Larsson on Apple Music, Albums and new Single


Rihanna on Apple Music, Albums and Films



Katy Perry, new songs on Apple Music



Lily Allen on Apple Music, Albums and Books



Marina on Apple Music, new Album


























March for our lives


















I’m not going to allow more tragedies to happen, I don't want you to blame me I want the US Congress to take responsibility, or I take severe measures






















Afghan Election July 7 and October 20, Parliament should include all Afghan people


























First they landed on the moon, then nothing happened until Lily Allen and Rihanna released music














Stop all racism





Förhindra all rasism






Green Party












Cavemen or early stone age humans





Picture: Alamy





















The Future Planet




The Return of the Caribbean Queen







First there has been glowing sunshine and then thunderstorm and rain and then the moon is visible in the sky at noon when they park the vehicle by the roadside. The women planet are on their way to find the impact of a suspected missile launched by the evil invaders causing a chemical reaction of unknown origin. The girl troops went outside in the sunshine not thinking about the risks.


Eliza moves the five girls inside of the vehicle again and line them up.


-What were you thinking, Eliza shouts at the girls, you should not get outside after what happened, I knew this would happen, I trusted you, how stupid of me, every time you are present something unthinkable is occuring, can you never be correct about anything!? Its like your grades in school you were below average all of you and I understand now how you failed so miserably! And I just let you out of mys sight for a few minutes and then this happens!


Eliza loses her voice from all screaming so she has to drink some water.


-I have to call the medic, says Eliza in a broken voice.


Selena arrives at the third section of the vehicle.


-Yes, whats going on here, says Selena.


-She screamed at us for eight minutes, says one of the girls.


Selena is observing the girls eyes with a small lamp light, the whole process take a few minutes.


-I don’t think they are affected by the chemicals outside, says Selena their pupil are normal.


-I can’t talk anymore, says Eliza in a weak and broken voice.


-Well, perhaps you should not scream for half an hour, says Selena and gives Eliza a cold glance, here drink this it restores your voice.






A piece of paper falls from the sky and something is written on it unfortunately in an unknown language, Lily, Zara and Marina try to translate the words.


-I have this dictionary for crosswords, says Zara. “We” translate Zara, “Want” Zara continues.


-”We want to meet your leader”, Zara translate the text.


-We have to tell your brother, says Lily to Marina.


-My pretend brother, says Marina.


-Daniel read this, says Lily.


-Yes I understand, says Daniel and goes to the first section of the vehicle where Scarlett and Rihanna are.


-Rihanna they want to meet you, says Daniel, you are the female Pharaoh and Queen.


-You have to cover your body with layers of gold make up to protect yourself from the chemicals, says Scarlett.


Rihanna moves outside in the glowing sunshine in her golden dress. Daniel follows three steps after her her protected by his space suit.


-This is the female Pharaoh and Caribbean Queen, says Daniel, Queen Rihanna controls the land and oceans and all the planets, she has never been defeated.


-We are invading your planet, says a voice from the sky.


-I’m returning home and millions of my followers are standing together with me and we are not surrendering, says Rihanna.


The voice in the sky disappears and night falls suddenly.


-I give you eternal light, says Rihanna and morning returns.








Selena meets Daniel in the vehicle.


-Are you single, says Daniel


-What?, says Selena.



-Why are you single, says Daniel.



-You know its really not your business, is it, says Selena.


-My arm hurts can you check this out, says Daniel.


-I don’t really treat a hypochondria, says Selena, I think you suddenly have all sorts of illness just so you can meet me.





Jennifer, Lindsay and Katy are reading CVs.



-This man is attaching his medical record, says Lindsay and the doctor writes “Never been married, easily angered, he was treated for serious injuries after a street fight three years ago."


-Here is a man attaching his criminal record, says Katy, “Caught shoplifting, fined, vandalized hotel room, one month probation, gun shots on TV set,  suspicious minds"


-A university man, says Jennifer he has attached a letter from the dean “Failed every exam at least once, was early on suspected for plagiarism, once called a PHD Latin language  student for Caligula."


-This is not Daniel, says Jennifer









The next day



Eliza is carrying an attache case and is entering the third section of the vehicle where the girl troops are situated.


The girls think they getting yelled at again


After a while all the women and Scarlett the girl are at the third section and also Daniel.


Eliza line up the girl troops


-We have decided to give the troops a pay rise, you five troop and the 5500 troops at the army base, says Eliza, you receive $100, £80 a week, we give you cards, one card for soft drinks, one card for coffee and tea and one card for sandwiches, these cards are for the restaurant at the army base and vending machines and $50, £40 in cash, we want you to buy food for some of the money so you can’t buy candy for all the cash.


Eliza give out the cards and the cash she has in the case to the troops.


-So first you yell at us in rage and then you give us a pay rise to compensate, says one of the girls, we should get a pay rise every week then, shouldn't we?


-I’m not going to yell at you again, says Eliza, I don’t think so, it depends, doesn’t it?




-We are having a quiz now for you troops to make you in a better mode, says Jennifer, she has a screen in her hands, who were the first three emperors in the Roman empire?


There is a complete silence.


-Augustus, Tiberius and Caligula, says Daniel when no one is answering, you can tell the Roman empire only got worse, it started with the autocrat Augustus emperor for 40 years however mostly peace, Pax Romana, and then the empire went even more inadequate with Tiberius and Caligula, there were no female emperors they were all men, there were female Pharaoh, the romantic story between Caesar and Cleopatra, however Caesar was not emperor and Cleopatra was not Pharaoh although they were leaders






Autocrat - envåldshärskare


Inadequate - bristfällig





Scarlett Johansson and Daniel understand eatch other because we are both brother, sister twins















DirecTV and Viacom must reach an agreement and hold on to MTV




Fridays for Future
















Platinum 1 M copies

Gold 500 000 copies






Platinum 300 000 copies

Gold 100 000 copies

Silver 60 000 copies













New Songs



Zara Larsson, BTS - Brand New Day



Zara Larsson - All The Time









Marina, a woman should  believe in herself
In the blog I criticize the ego men
Marina new album, Love + Fear, April





I'm not repeating myself





The Dead Don't Die, Trailer, June 14






The Pet Shop Boys don't like you


I don't like you


We don't like you



Now I have another reason not to follow this blockhead on twitter



I don't follow a homophobe on twitter



He is also a racist in the class divided society, I don't follow him on twitter






UK Government




I don’t think the MPs who voted against the PM and lost should carry on like nothing happened, again you who  voted against and lost should resign this is normal procedure



You can’t carry on like you won the vote, you lost and now you should resign



Are you going to tell your constituency you won the vote?



You should tell people you lost the vote and now you are resigning









Racist Bannon meets top Tory


















Skaffa bevis så att förövaren kan fällas i domstol, det måste vara syftet med alltihop



Undvik att bli anklagad för förtal



I support #MeToo, after all I think the blog started it






Alliansen och media har klantat till det flera gånger det tyder på oskicklighet, om jag tar bort texten så klantar ni till det igen




Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen tar inte helt avstånd från nynazisters brottslighet inte heller från deras ideologi, främlingsfientliga är beroende av deras röster i valet för att genomföra sin odemokratiska politik i det fredliga landet Sverige



Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen har aldrig kritiserat nynazisters brottslighet, som är omfattande, eftersom de är beroende av deras röster i valet helt enkelt



Odemokratisk politik har alltid slutat med krig i historien



Inte en enda gång har främlingsfientliga i riksdagen lagt ett förslag för hur nynazistisk brottslighet i Sverige skall bekämpas, inte ett enda negativt ord om att nynazister har bedrivit omfattande brottslighet i Sverige i decennier


Det är en talande tystnad



Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen har fortfarande aldrig haft en enda idé om hur nynazistisk brottslighet skall bekämpas, de tycker att bara en del i Sverige skall sitta i fängelse, straff gäller bara en del av befolkningen, nynazister som har begått och begår allvarliga brott i Svergie i decennier får fortsätta sin brottslighet enligt främlingsfientliga i riksdagen, alltså nynazister som begår brott får total strafflindring, det är därför de röstar på främlingsfientliga




Det är klart att migranter försår vad främlingsfientliga i riksdagen säger, ni har trakasserat migranter i alla år oavbrutet och det är klart att migarnter tar väldigt illa vid sig, rasister i riksdagen kan inte sätta sig in i hur andra människor har det ni saknar helt enklet empati eftersom ni i ett helt årtionde oavbrutet har trakasserat migranter



Även medias oavbrutna propaganderande av ett främlingsfientligt budskap  under lång tid har skapat en oro i samhället och är även en säkerhetsrisk men det förstod ni inte heller tydligen



Nu vet jag ni var frånvarande den dagen i skolan när de lärde ut hur man använder hjärnan





Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen har fortfarande inte en enda idé  om hur nynazistisk brottslighet skall bekämpas, det är som sagt en talande tystnad





Att främlingsfientliga I riksdagen påstår att nationalism inte har något samband med nazism är en form av historieförfalskning, de som är läskunniga vet att nationalism var och fortfarande är en del av nazismen, att säga något annat är så kallad historieförfalskning och är straffbart I flera länder



Jag kan göra det olagligt även i Sverige



Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen vill alltså göra politik av nationalism, igen, alla vet hur det gick förra gången, trots det är rasisterna villiga att ta risken, det tyder inte på någon större tankeförmåga




Jag har vetat om att högerpartier och partier på högerkanten dras till min blogg och till viss del är anledningen till detta okänd. En teori är att högerpartier dras till framgångsrika personer, de tror att de då själva blir accepterade och framgångsrika, det blir de inte


En anna teori är att främlingsfientliga partier har baserat hela sin verksamhet på bloggen och utan bloggen skulle partiet inte existera, när jag drog undan mattan för dem blev de desperata eftersom deras inflytande försvann  och att de till varje pris försöker klamra sig fast vid bloggen, vilket de misslyckas med



Främlingsfientlighet grundar sig på internet



Främlingsfientliga trodde att de hade ett inflytande via bloggen, det har jag naturligvis satt stopp för, eventuellt inflytande var fiktivt




Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen är ett fiktivt parti



Det är fiktivt för att de talar aldrig om svenskar som begår allvarliga brott



Dessutom baserar sig främlingsfientliga på fiktion i en blogg vilket ger en fiktiv uppfattning om partiet




Det står helt klart att högern röstar med rasisterna i riksdagen, det är därför ni tappar i opinionen, högern har tappat i opinionen över sommaren eftersom väljarna vet att en röst på högern är en röst på främlingsfientliga



Rödgröna och bloggen sätter stopp för rasisterna






Utgivare av nazist sida på nätet dömd för hets mot folkgrupp, en tydlig signal till alla nazister i Sverige



Främlingfientliga i riksdagen har en självgod inställning och tycker att de är oklanderliga själva samtidigt som rasisterna medvetet förnedrar kvinnor i sociala medier och förtalar hårt arbetande, skattebetalande och laglydiga migranter



Främlingsfientliga i riksdagen har aldrig haft en enda ide' om hur nynazistisk brottslighet som pågått i årtionden skall bekämpas, därför att nynazisterna röstar på dem för att bli frikända från sin allvarliga brottslighet som pågått i över trettio år



Jag skulle vilja höra er omfattande kritik mot Ungern


Får vi höra er politik mot trakasserier av kvinnor



Kan (KD) tydligt förklara vilken uppfattning de har om aborträtten i Sverige, det är säkert många kvinnor som vill ha reda på det



Kostnaden för alhoholskador i Sverige är 50 miljarder kronor om året, de senaste 10 åren har det alltså kostat samhället 500 miljarder kronor



Jag vill inte att mina skattepengar skall gå till att (M), (KD) och rasist väljare skall kunna dricka obegränsat med alkohol





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